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Experimental rules

New rules will be added into the experimental ruleset, which can be enabled by passing the --experimental flag to ktlint.

Block comment initial star alignment

Lines in a block comment which (exclusive the indentation) start with a * should have this * aligned with the * in the opening of the block comment.

Rule id: experimental:block-comment-initial-star-alignment

Discouraged comment location

Detect discouraged comment locations (no autocorrect).

Rule id: experimental:discouraged-comment-location

Unnecessary parenthesis before trailing lambda

An empty parentheses block before a lambda is redundant.

"some-string".count { it == '-' }
"some-string".count() { it == '-' }

Rule id: experimental:unnecessary-parentheses-before-trailing-lambda

Function signature

Rewrites the function signature to a single line when possible (e.g. when not exceeding the max_line_length property) or a multiline signature otherwise. In case of function with a body expression, the body expression is placed on the same line as the function signature when not exceeding the max_line_length property. Optionally the function signature can be forced to be written as a multiline signature in case the function has more than a specified number of parameters (.editorconfig' propertyktlint_function_signature_wrapping_rule_always_with_minimum_parameters`)

Rule id: function-signature


Class/object naming

Enforce naming of class.


Functions in files which import a class from package org.junit.jupiter.api are considered to be test functions and are allowed to have a name specified between backticks and do not need to adhere to the normal naming convention. Although, the Kotlin coding conventions does not allow this explicitly for class identifiers, ktlint does allow it as this makes it possible to write code like below:

inner class `Some descriptive class name` {
    fun `Some descriptive test name`() {
        // do something

This rule can also be suppressed with the IntelliJ IDEA inspection suppression ClassName.

Rule id: experimental:class-naming

Function naming

Enforce naming of function.


Functions in files which import a class from package org.junit, org.testng or kotlin.test are considered to be test functions. Functions in such classes are allowed to have underscores in the name. Or function names can be specified between backticks and do not need to adhere to the normal naming convention.

This rule can also be suppressed with the IntelliJ IDEA inspection suppression FunctionName.

Rule id: experimental:function-naming

Package naming

Enforce naming of package.

This rule can also be suppressed with the IntelliJ IDEA inspection suppression PackageName.

Rule id: experimental:package-naming

Property naming

Enforce naming of property.

This rule can also be suppressed with the IntelliJ IDEA inspection suppression PropertyName.

Rule id: experimental:property-naming


Fun keyword spacing

Consistent spacing after the fun keyword.

Rule id: experimental:fun-keyword-spacing

Function return type spacing

Consistent spacing around the function return type.

Rule id: experimental:function-return-type-spacing

Function start of body spacing

Consistent spacing before start of function body.

Rule id: experimental:function-start-of-body-spacing:

Function type reference spacing

Consistent spacing in the type reference before a function.

Rule id: experimental:function-type-reference-spacing

Modifier list spacing

Consistent spacing between modifiers in and after the last modifier in a modifier list.

Rule id: experimental:modifier-list-spacing

Nullable type spacing

No spaces in a nullable type.

Rule id: experimental:nullable-type-spacing

Parameter list spacing

Consistent spacing inside the parameter list.

Rule id: experimental:parameter-list-spacing

Spacing between function name and opening parenthesis

Consistent spacing between function name and opening parenthesis.

Rule id: experimental:spacing-between-function-name-and-opening-parenthesis

Type argument list spacing

Spacing before and after the angle brackets of a type argument list.

Rule id: experimental:type-argument-list-spacing

Type parameter list spacing

Spacing after a type parameter list in function and class declarations.

Rule id: experimental:type-parameter-list-spacing


Comment wrapping

A block comment should start and end on a line that does not contain any other element. A block comment should not be used as end of line comment.

Rule id: experimental:comment-wrapping

Content receiver wrapping

Wraps the content receiver list to a separate line regardless of maximum line length. If the maximum line length is configured and is exceeded, wrap the context receivers and if needed its projection types to separate lines.

// ALways wrap regardless of whether max line length is set
fun fooBar()

// Wrap each context receiver to a separate line when the
// entire context receiver list does not fit on a single line
fun fooBar()

// Wrap each context receiver to a separate line when the
// entire context receiver list does not fit on a single line.
// Also, wrap each of it projection types in case a context
// receiver does not fit on a single line after it has been
// wrapped.
fun fooBar()
// Should be wrapped regardless of whether max line length is set
context(Foo) fun fooBar()

// Should be wrapped when the entire context receiver list does not
// fit on a single line
context(Fooooooooooooooooooo1, Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2)
fun fooBar()

// Should be wrapped when the entire context receiver list does not
// fit on a single line. Also, it should wrap each of it projection
// type in case a context receiver does not fit on a single line 
// after it has been wrapped.
context(Foooooooooooooooo<Foo, Bar>)
fun fooBar()

Rule id: experimental:context-receiver-wrapping

Kdoc wrapping

A KDoc comment should start and end on a line that does not contain any other element.

Rule id: experimental:kdoc-wrapping