When you use Mojito, you may need additional information about the text units related to who created them and what commit introduced them.

This information about the text unit can be extracted using the git-blame command from the mojito-cli. This command uses the git-blame command to extract the the information about the text unit.

Depending on the file type, the blame command can be run on the lines of the source resource files or read in the usage locations from the resource files to use to get the blame information from the code base.

Blame source files

The simplest call is

mojito git-blame -r MyRepo

This will look for all supported file types and get the blame information for the strings in these files.

For example, if you have a Android strings file (res/values/strings.xml)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="hello" description="Greeting from Main UI">Hello!</string>

Then run

mojito git-blame -r MyRepo

The command will run git blame on the file res/values/strings.xml and save the information with the hello text unit.

The command can also be run on specified file types using the -ft parameter

mojito git-blame -r MyRepo -ft FileType

Blame with usages

Certain file types that include the usage of the text unit in the codebase have a GitBlameType defined as TEXT_UNIT_USAGES. Such file types include PO, MacStrings, and MacStringsdict. This enables extracting the information from string location in the code base and not from the source file directly.

For example, if you have a PO file (messages.pot) with an entry

#. Greeting from Main UI
#: file.js:2
msgctxt "hello"
msgid "Hello!"
msgstr ""

Then run

mojito git-blame -r MyRepo -ft PO

The command will extract the location from the file and run git blame on the file file.js on line 2.