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Standard rules

Annotation formatting

Multiple annotations should be on a separate line than the annotated declaration; annotations with parameters should each be on separate lines; annotations should be followed by a space

Rule-id: annotation

Argument list wrapping

Rule-id: argument-list-wrapping

Chain wrapping

When wrapping chained calls ., ?. and ?: should be placed on the next line

Rule id: chain-wrapping

Enum entry

Enum entry names should be uppercase underscore-separated names.

Rule id: enum-entry-name-case

File name

Files containing only one toplevel domain should be named according to that element.

Rule id: filename

Final newline

Ensures consistent usage of a newline at the end of each file.

This rule can be configured with .editorconfig property insert_final_newline.

Rule id: final-newline

Import ordering

Imports ordered consistently (see Custom ktlint EditorConfig properties for more)

Rule id: import-ordering


Indentation formatting - respects .editorconfig indent_size with no continuation indent (see EditorConfig section for more).

Rule id: indent

Max line length

Ensures that lines do not exceed the given length of .editorconfig property max_line_length (see EditorConfig section for more). This rule does not apply in a number of situations. For example, in the case a line exceeds the maximum line length due to and comment that disables ktlint rules than that comment is being ignored when validating the length of the line. The .editorconfig property ktlint_ignore_back_ticked_identifier can be set to ignore identifiers which are enclosed in backticks, which for example is very useful when you want to allow longer names for unit tests.

Rule id: max-line-length

Modifier order

Consistent order of modifiers

Rule id: modifier-order

Multiline if-else

Braces required for multiline if/else statements.

Rule id: multiline-if-else

No blank lines before }

No blank lines before }.

Rule id: no-blank-line-before-rbrace

No blank lines in chained method calls

Rule id: no-blank-lines-in-chained-method-calls

No consecutive blank lines

Rule id: no-consecutive-blank-lines

No empty ({}) class bodies

Rule id: no-empty-class-body

No leading empty lines in method blocks

Rule id: no-empty-first-line-in-method-block

No line break after else

Disallows line breaks after the else keyword if that could lead to confusion, for example:

if (conditionA()) {
} else
if (conditionB()) {

Rule id: no-line-break-after-else

No line break before assignment

When a line is broken at an assignment (=) operator the break comes after the symbol.

Rule id: no-line-break-before-assignment

No multi spaces

Except in indentation and in KDoc's it is not allowed to have multiple consecutive spaces.

Rule id: no-multi-spaces

No semicolons

No semicolons (unless used to separate multiple statements on the same line).

Rule id: no-semi

No trailing whitespaces

Rule id: no-trailing-spaces

No Unit as return type

The Unit type is not allowed as return type of a function. returns (fun fn {} instead of fun fn: Unit {})

fun fn() {}
fun fn(): Unit {}

Rule id: no-unit-return

No unused imports

Rule id: no-unused-imports

No wildcard imports

No wildcard imports except imports listed in .editorconfig property ij_kotlin_packages_to_use_import_on_demand.

Rule id: no-wildcard-imports

Package name

Validates that the package name matches the regular expression [a-z][a-zA-Z\d]*(\.[a-z][a-zA-Z\d]*)*.

Rule id: package-name

Parameter list wrapping

When class/function signature doesn't fit on a single line, each parameter must be on a separate line

Rule id: parameter-list-wrapping

String template

Consistent string templates ($v instead of ${v}, ${p.v} instead of ${p.v.toString()})

Rule id: string-template

Trailing comma on call site

Consistent removal (default) or adding of trailing comma's on call site.


KtLint uses the IntelliJ IDEA .editorconfig property ij_kotlin_allow_trailing_comma_on_call_site to configure the rule. When this property is enabled, KtLint enforces the usage of the trailing comma at call site while IntelliJ IDEA default formatter only allows to use the trailing comma but leaves it to the developer's discretion to actually use it (or not). KtLint values consistent formatting more than a per-situation decision.


In KtLint 0.48.x the default value for using the trailing comma on call site has been changed to true except when codestyle android is used.

Although the Kotlin coding conventions]( leaves it to the developer's discretion to use trailing comma's on the call site, it also states that usage of trailing commas has several benefits:

  • It makes version-control diffs cleaner – as all the focus is on the changed value.
  • It makes it easy to add and reorder elements – there is no need to add or delete the comma if you manipulate elements.
  • It simplifies code generation, for example, for object initializers. The last element can also have a comma.

Rule id: trailing-comma-on-call-site

Trailing comma on declaration site

Consistent removal (default) or adding of trailing comma's on declaration site.


KtLint uses the IntelliJ IDEA .editorconfig property ij_kotlin_allow_trailing_comma to configure the rule. When this property is enabled, KtLint enforces the usage of the trailing comma at declaration site while IntelliJ IDEA default formatter only allows to use the trailing comma but leaves it to the developer's discretion to actually use it (or not). KtLint values consistent formatting more than a per-situation decision.


In KtLint 0.48.x the default value for using the trailing comma on declaration site has been changed to true except when codestyle android is used.

The Kotlin coding conventions]( encourages the usage of trailing comma's on the declaration site, but leaves it to the developer's discretion to use trailing comma's on the call site. But next to this, it also states that usage of trailing commas has several benefits:

 * It makes version-control diffs cleaner – as all the focus is on the changed value.
 * It makes it easy to add and reorder elements – there is no need to add or delete the comma if you manipulate elements.
 * It simplifies code generation, for example, for object initializers. The last element can also have a comma.

Rule id: trailing-comma-on-declaration-site


Inserts missing newlines (for example between parentheses of a multi-line function call).

Rule id: wrapping


Annotation spacing

Annotations should be separated by a single line break.

Rule id: annotation-spacing

Colon spacing

Consistent spacing around colon.

Rule id: colon-spacing

Comma spacing

Consistent spacing around comma.

Rule id: comma-spacing

Comment spacing

The end of line comment sign // should be preceded and followed by exactly a space.

Rule id: comment-spacing

Curly spacing

Consistent spacing around curly braces.

Rule id: curly-spacing

Dot spacing

Consistent spacing around dots.

Rule id: dot-spacing

Double colon spacing

No spaces around ::.

Rule id: double-colon-spacing

Keyword spacing

Consistent spacing around keywords.

Rule id: keyword-spacing

Operator spacing

Consistent spacing around operators.

Rule id: op-spacing

Parenthesis spacing

Consistent spacing around parenthesis.

Rule id: paren-spacing

Range spacing

Consistent spacing around range operators.

Rule id: range-spacing

Angle bracket spacing

No spaces around angle brackets when used for typing.

Rule id: spacing-around-angle-brackets

Blank line between declarations with annotations

Declarations with annotations should be separated by a blank line.

Rule id: spacing-between-declarations-with-annotations

Blank line between declaration with comments

Declarations with comments should be separated by a blank line.

Rule id: spacing-between-declarations-with-comments

Unary operator spacing

No spaces around unary operators.

Rule id: unary-op-spacing