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Experimental rules


Up and until Ktlint version 0.47, experimental were located in a separate experimental rule set. As of Ktlint version 0.48, each rule set can optionally define experimental rules.

All experimental rules described below are part of the standard rule set of Ktlint. To enable all experimental rules (from all rule sets), set editorconfig property below:

Also see enable/disable specific rules.

Binary expression wrapping

Wraps binary expression at the operator reference whenever the binary expression does not fit on the line. In case the binary expression is nested, the expression is evaluated from outside to inside. If the left and right hand sides of the binary expression, after wrapping, fit on a single line then the inner binary expressions will not be wrapped. If one or both inner binary expression still do not fit on a single after wrapping of the outer binary expression, then each of those inner binary expressions will be wrapped.

fun foo() {
    // Assume that the last allowed character is
    // at the X character on the right                       X
    if ((leftHandSideExpression && rightHandSideExpression) ||
        (leftHandSideLongExpression &&
            rightHandSideLongExpression)) {
        // do something
fun foo() {
    // Assume that the last allowed character is
    // at the X character on the right                       X
    if ((leftHandSideExpression && rightHandSideExpression) || (leftHandSideLongExpression && rightHandSideLongExpression)) {
        // do something

Rule id: binary-expression-wrapping (standard rule set)

Blank line before declarations

Requires a blank line before any class or function declaration. No blank line is required between the class signature and the first declaration in the class. In a similar way, a blank line is required before any list of top level or class properties. No blank line is required before local properties or between consecutive properties.

const val foo1 = "foo1"

class FooBar {
    val foo2 = "foo2"
    val foo3 = "foo3"

    fun bar1() {
       val foo4 = "foo4"
       val foo5 = "foo5"

    fun bar2() = "bar"

    val foo6 = "foo3"
    val foo7 = "foo4"

    enum class Foo {}
const val foo1 = "foo1"
class FooBar {
    val foo2 = "foo2"
    val foo3 = "foo3"
    fun bar1() {
       val foo4 = "foo4"
       val foo5 = "foo5"
    fun bar2() = "bar"
    val foo6 = "foo3"
    val foo7 = "foo4"
    enum class Foo {}

Rule id: blank-line-before-declaration (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.

Discouraged comment location

Detect discouraged comment locations (no autocorrect).


Kotlin allows comments to be placed almost everywhere. As this can lead to code which is hard to read, most of them will never be used in practice. Ideally each rule takes comments at all possible locations into account. Sometimes this is really hard and not worth the effort. By explicitly forbidding such comment locations, the development of those rules becomes a bit easier.

fun <T> /* some comment */ foo(t: T) = "some-result"

fun foo() {
    if (true)
        // some comment

Rule id: discouraged-comment-location (standard rule set)

Disallow empty lines at start of class body

Detect blank lines at start of a class body.

class Foo {
    val foo = "foo"
class Foo {

    val foo = "foo"

Rule id: no-empty-first-line-in-class-body (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.

Disallow consecutive comments

Consecutive comments are disallowed in following cases: - Any mix of a consecutive kdoc, a block comment or an EOL comment unless separated by a blank line in between - Consecutive KDocs (even when separated by a blank line) - Consecutive block comments (even when separated by a blank line)

Consecutive EOL comments are always allowed as they are often used instead of a block comment.

// An EOL comment
// may be followed by another EOL comment
val foo = "foo"

// Different comment types (including KDoc) may be consecutive ..

 * ... but do need to be separated by a blank line ...

  * ... but a KDoc can not be followed by an EOL or a block comment or another KDoc
fun bar() = "bar"
 * Block comments can not be consecutive ...
 * ... even not when separated by a new line.
val bar = "bar" 

  * A KDoc can not be followed by a block comment or an EOL comment or another KDOC

// ... even not when separated by a new line.

Rule id: no-consecutive-comments (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.

Function signature

Rewrites the function signature to a single line when possible (e.g. when not exceeding the max_line_length property) or a multiline signature otherwise. In case of function with a body expression, the body expression is placed on the same line as the function signature when not exceeding the max_line_length property. Optionally the function signature can be forced to be written as a multiline signature in case the function has more than a specified number of parameters (.editorconfig property ktlint_function_signature_wrapping_rule_always_with_minimum_parameters)

// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
fun foooooooo(
    a: Any,
    b: Any,
    c: Any
): String {
    // body

// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
fun bar(a: Any, b: Any, c: Any): String {
    // body

// When wrapping of body is set to 'default'.
// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
fun f(a: Any, b: Any): String = "some-result"

// When wrapping of body is set to 'multiline'
// or 'always'.
// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
fun f(a: Any, b: Any): String =
// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
fun foooooooo(a: Any, b: Any, c: Any): String {
    // body

// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
fun bar(
    a: Any,
    b: Any,
    c: Any
): String {
    // body

// When wrapping of body is set to 'default'.
// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
fun f(a: Any, b: Any): String =

// When wrapping of body is set to 'multiline'
// or 'always'.
// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
fun f(a: Any, b: Any): String = "some-result"

Rule id: function-signature (standard rule set)

If else bracing

If at least one branch of an if-else statement or an if-else-if statement is wrapped between curly braces then all branches should be wrapped between braces.

fun foo(value: int) {
    if (value > 0) {
    } else if (value < 0) {
    } else {
fun foo(value: int) {
    if (value > 0)
    else if (value < 0) {
    } else

Rule id: if-else-bracing (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.

If else wrapping

A single line if-statement should be kept simple. It may contain no more than one else-branch. The branches may not be wrapped in a block.

fun foobar() {
    if (true) foo()
    if (true) foo() else bar()
fun foobar() {
    if (true) if (false) foo() else bar()
    if (true) bar() else if (false) foo() else bar()
    if (true) { foo() } else bar()
    if (true) bar() else { if (false) foo() else bar() }

Rule id: if-else-wrapping (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.


Function naming

Enforce naming of function.

fun foo() {}
fun fooBar() {}
fun `Some name`() {}

fun do_something() {}
fun Foo() {}
fun Foo_Bar() {}
fun `Some name`() {}
fun do_something() {}


Functions in files which import a class from package org.junit, org.testng or kotlin.test are considered to be test functions. Functions in such classes are allowed to have underscores in the name. Or function names can be specified between backticks and do not need to adhere to the normal naming convention.

This rule can also be suppressed with the IntelliJ IDEA inspection suppression FunctionName.

Rule id: function-naming (standard rule set)

Package naming

Enforce naming of package.

This rule can also be suppressed with the IntelliJ IDEA inspection suppression PackageName.

package foo
package foo_bar
package foo.foo_bar
package Foo
package foo.Foo
package `foo bar`
package foo.`foo bar`

Rule id: package-naming (standard rule set)

Property naming

Enforce naming of property.

val FOO_1 = Foo()
val FOO_BAR_1 = "FOO-BAR"

var foo1: Foo = Foo()

class Bar {
    const val FOO_2 = "foo"
    const val FOO_BAR_2 = "FOO-BAR"

    val foo2 = "foo"
    val fooBar2 = "foo-bar"

    // Backing property
    private val _elementList = mutableListOf<Element>()
    val elementList: List<Element>
        get() = _elementList
val Foo1 = Foo()
val FooBar1 = "FOO-BAR"

var FOO_1: Foo = Foo()

class Bar {
    const val foo2 = "foo"
    const val fooBar2 = "FOO-BAR"

    val FOO2 = "foo"
    val FOO_BAR_2 = "foo-bar"

    // Incomplete backing property as public property 'elementList1' is missing
    private val _elementList1 = mutableListOf<Element>()

    // Invalid backing property as '_elementList2' is not a private property
    val _elementList2 = mutableListOf<Element>()
    val elementList2: List<Element>
        get() = _elementList2


Top level val properties and const val properties have to be written in screaming snake notation. Local val and const val are written in lower camel case.

This rule can also be suppressed with the IntelliJ IDEA inspection suppression PropertyName.

Rule id: property-naming (standard rule set)

No empty file

A kotlin (script) file should not be empty. It needs to contain at least one declaration. Files only contain a package and/or import statements are as of that disallowed.

Rule id: no-empty-file

No single line block comments

A single line block comment should be replaced with an EOL comment when possible.

 * Some comment
val foo = "foo" // Some comment
val foo = { /* no-op */ }
/* Some comment */
val foo = "foo" /* Some comment */

Rule id: no-single-line-block-comment (standard rule set)


No blank lines in list

Disallow blank lines to be used in lists before the first element, between elements, and after the last element.

Super type

class FooBar:
    Bar {
    // body
class FooBar:



    // body

Type argument list

val foobar: FooBar<
    > = FooBar(Foo(), Bar())
val foobar: FooBar<



    > = FooBar(Foo(), Bar())

Type constraint list

class BiAdapter<C : RecyclerView.ViewHolder, V1 : C, V2 : C, out A1, out A2>(
    val adapter1: A1,
    val adapter2: A2
) : RecyclerView.Adapter<C>()
    where A1 : RecyclerView.Adapter<V1>, A1 : ComposableAdapter.ViewTypeProvider,
          A2 : RecyclerView.Adapter<V2>, A2 : ComposableAdapter.ViewTypeProvider {
    // body
class BiAdapter<C : RecyclerView.ViewHolder, V1 : C, V2 : C, out A1, out A2>(
    val adapter1: A1,
    val adapter2: A2
) : RecyclerView.Adapter<C>()
          A1 : RecyclerView.Adapter<V1>, A1 : ComposableAdapter.ViewTypeProvider,

          A2 : RecyclerView.Adapter<V2>, A2 : ComposableAdapter.ViewTypeProvider
    // body

Type parameter list

fun <
    > foobar()
fun <



    > foobar()

Value argument list

val foobar = foobar(
val foobar = foobar(




Value parameter list

fun foobar(
    foo: String,
    bar: String,
fun foobar(

    foo: String,

    bar: String,


Rule id: no-blank-line-in-list (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.

Parameter list spacing

Consistent spacing inside the parameter list.

fun foo(a: Any ) = "some-result"
fun foo() = "some-result"
fun foo( a : Any ) = "some-result"
fun foo(
) = "some-result"

Rule id: parameter-list-spacing (standard rule set)

String template indent

Enforce consistent string template indentation for multiline string templates which are post-fixed with .trimIndent(). The opening and closing """ are placed on separate lines and the indentation of the content of the template is aligned with the """.

val foo =
fun foo() {
    // The opening """ can not be wrapped to next line as that would result in a compilation error
    return """
val foo = """
fun foo() {
    return """

Rule id: string-template-indent (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.

Try catch finally spacing

Enforce consistent spacing in try { .. } catch { .. } finally { .. }.

fun foo() =
    try {
        // do something
    } catch (exception: Exception) {
        // handle exception
    } finally {
        // clean up
fun foo1() = try { /* ... */ } catch (exception: Exception) { /* ... */ } finally { /* ... */ }
fun foo2() = 
    try {
        // do something
    catch (exception: Exception) {
        // handle exception
    finally {
        // clean up

Rule id: try-catch-finally-spacing (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.

Type argument list spacing

Spacing before and after the angle brackets of a type argument list.

val res = ArrayList<LintError>()
class B<T> : A<T>() {
    override fun x() = super<A>.x()
val res = ArrayList < LintError > ()
class B<T> : A< T >() {
    override fun x() = super< A >.x()

Rule id: type-argument-list-spacing (standard rule set)

Type parameter list spacing

Spacing after a type parameter list in function and class declarations.

fun <T> foo1(t: T) = "some-result"
fun <T> foo2(t: T) = "some-result"
fun <T> foo3(t: T) = "some-result"
fun<T> foo1(t: T) = "some-result"
fun <T>foo2(t: T) = "some-result"
fun<T>foo3(t: T) = "some-result"

Rule id: type-parameter-list-spacing (standard rule set)


Content receiver wrapping

Wraps the content receiver list to a separate line regardless of maximum line length. If the maximum line length is configured and is exceeded, wrap the context receivers and if needed its projection types to separate lines.

// ALways wrap regardless of whether max line length is set
fun fooBar()

// Wrap each context receiver to a separate line when the
// entire context receiver list does not fit on a single line
fun fooBar()

// Wrap each context receiver to a separate line when the
// entire context receiver list does not fit on a single line.
// Also, wrap each of it projection types in case a context
// receiver does not fit on a single line after it has been
// wrapped.
fun fooBar()
// Should be wrapped regardless of whether max line length is set
context(Foo) fun fooBar()

// Should be wrapped when the entire context receiver list does not
// fit on a single line
context(Fooooooooooooooooooo1, Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2)
fun fooBar()

// Should be wrapped when the entire context receiver list does not
// fit on a single line. Also, it should wrap each of it projection
// type in case a context receiver does not fit on a single line 
// after it has been wrapped.
context(Foooooooooooooooo<Foo, Bar>)
fun fooBar()

Rule id: context-receiver-wrapping (standard rule set)

Enum wrapping

An enum should be a single line, or each enum entry has to be placed on a separate line. In case the enumeration contains enum entries and declarations those are to be separated by a blank line.

enum class Foo { A, B, C, D }

enum class Foo {

    fun foo() = "foo"
enum class Foo {
    B, C,

enum class Foo {
    fun foo() = "foo"

Rule id: enum-wrapping (standard rule set)

Multiline expression wrapping

Multiline expression on the right hand side of an expression are forced to start on a separate line. Expressions in return statement are excluded as that would result in a compilation error.

val foo =
        parameterName =
            "The quick brown fox "
                .plus("jumps ")
                .plus("over the lazy dog"),
val foo = foo(
    parameterName = "The quick brown fox "
        .plus("jumps ")
        .plus("over the lazy dog"),

Rule id: multiline-expression-wrapping (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.