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Experimental rules


Up and until Ktlint version 0.47, experimental were located in a separate experimental rule set. As of Ktlint version 0.48, each rule set can optionally define experimental rules.

All experimental rules described below are part of the standard rule set of Ktlint. To enable all experimental rules (from all rule sets), set editorconfig property below:

Also see enable/disable specific rules.

Binary expression wrapping

Wraps binary expression at the operator reference whenever the binary expression does not fit on the line. In case the binary expression is nested, the expression is evaluated from outside to inside. If the left and right hand sides of the binary expression, after wrapping, fit on a single line then the inner binary expressions will not be wrapped. If one or both inner binary expression still do not fit on a single after wrapping of the outer binary expression, then each of those inner binary expressions will be wrapped.

fun foo() {
    // Assume that the last allowed character is
    // at the X character on the right                       X
    if ((leftHandSideExpression && rightHandSideExpression) ||
        (leftHandSideLongExpression &&
            rightHandSideLongExpression)) {
        // do something
fun foo() {
    // Assume that the last allowed character is
    // at the X character on the right                       X
    if ((leftHandSideExpression && rightHandSideExpression) || (leftHandSideLongExpression && rightHandSideLongExpression)) {
        // do something

Rule id: binary-expression-wrapping (standard rule set)

Chain method continuation

In a multiline method chain, the chain operators (. or ?.) have to be aligned with each other.

Multiple chained methods on a single line are allowed as long as the maximum line length, and the maximum number of chain operators are not exceeded. Under certain conditions, it is allowed that the expression before the first and/or the expression after the last chain operator is a multiline expression.

The . in java.class is ignored when wrapping on chain operators.

This rule can be configured with .editorconfig property ktlint_chain_method_rule_force_multiline_when_chain_operator_count_greater_or_equal_than.


Binary expression for which the left and/or right operand consist of method chain are currently being ignored by this rule. Please reach out, if you can help to determine what the best strategy is to deal with such kind of expressions.

val foo1 =
    listOf(1, 2, 3)
        .filter { it > 2 }!!
        .takeIf { it > 2 }
        .map {
            it * it
        }?.map {
            it * it
val foo2 =
    listOf(1, 2, 3)
        .filter {
            it > 2
        }.map {
            2 * it
        }?.map {
            2 * it
val foo3 = foo().bar().map {
val foo4 =
    Some text
val foo1 =
    listOf(1, 2, 3).
        filter { it > 2 }!!.
        takeIf { it > 2 }.
        map {
            it * it
        map {
            it * it
val foo2 =
    listOf(1, 2, 3)
        .filter {
            it > 2
        .map {
            2 * it
        ?.map {
            2 * it
val foo3 = foo()
    .bar().map {
val foo4 =
    Some text

Rule id: chain-method-continuation (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.

Class signature

Rewrites the class signature to a consistent format respecting the .editorconfig property max_line_length if set. In the ktlint_official code style all class parameters are wrapped by default. Set .editorconfig property ktlint_class_signature_rule_force_multiline_when_parameter_count_greater_or_equal_than to a value greater than 1 to allow class with a few parameters to be placed on a single line.

The other code styles allow an infinite amount of parameters on the same line (as long as the max_line_length is not exceeded) unless .editorconfig property ktlint_class_signature_rule_force_multiline_when_parameter_count_greater_or_equal_than is set explicitly.

// Assume that max_line_length is not exceeded when written as single line
class Foo0
class Foo1(
    a: Any
class Foo2(
    a: Any,
    b: Any
class Foo3(
    @Foo a: Any,
    b: Any,
    c: Any
class Foo4(
    a: Any,
    b: Any,
    c: Any
) : FooBar(a, c)
class Foo5 :
    ) {
    // body
class Foo6(
    val bar1: Bar,
    val bar2: Bar
) : FooBar(
    ) {
    // body
class Foo7(
    val bar1: Bar,
    val bar2: Bar
) : FooBar(
    BarFoo2 {
    // body
class Foo8
        val bar1: Bar,
        val bar2: Bar,
    ) : FooBar(bar1, bar2),
        BarFoo2 {
    // body
// Assume that max_line_length is not exceeded when written as single line
class Foo0()
class Foo1(a: Any)
class Foo2(a: Any, b: Any)
class Foo3(@Foo a: Any, b: Any, c: Any)
class Foo4(a: Any, b: Any, c: Any) : FooBar(a, c)
class Foo5 : FooBar(
) {
    // body
class Foo6(
    val bar1: Bar,
    val bar2: Bar
) : FooBar(
) {
    // body
class Foo7(
    val bar1: Bar,
    val bar2: Bar
) : FooBar(
    BarFoo2 {
    // body
class Foo8
    val bar1: Bar,
    val bar2: Bar,
) : FooBar(bar1, bar2),
    BarFoo2 {
    // body
// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
class Foo0
class Foo1(
    a: Any
class Foo2(a: Any)
class Foo3(
    a: Any,
    b: Any
class Foo4(a: Any, b: Any)
class Foo5(@Foo a: Any, b: Any, c: Any)
class Foo6(a: Any, b: Any, c: Any) :
    FooBar(a, c)
class Foo7 : FooBar(
) {
    // body
class Foo8(
    val bar1: Bar,
    val bar2: Bar
) : FooBar(
) {
    // body
class Foo9(
    val bar1: Bar,
    val bar2: Bar
) : FooBar(
    BarFoo2 {
    // body
class Foo10
    val bar1: Bar,
    val bar2: Bar,
) : FooBar(bar1, bar2),
    BarFoo2 {
    // body
// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
class Foo0()
class Foo6(a: Any, b: Any, c: Any) : FooBar(a, c)

Rule id: class-signature (standard rule set)

Function expression body

Rewrites a function body only containing a return or throw expression to an expression body.


If the function body contains a comment, it is not rewritten to an expression body.

fun foo1() = "foo"
fun foo2(): String = "foo"
fun foo3(): Unit = throw IllegalArgumentException("some message")
fun foo4(): Foo = throw IllegalArgumentException("some message")
fun foo5() {
    return "foo" // some comment
fun foo6(): String {
    /* some comment */
    return "foo"
fun foo7() {
    throw IllegalArgumentException("some message")
    /* some comment */
fun foo8(): Foo {
    throw IllegalArgumentException("some message")
    // some comment
fun foo1() {
    return "foo"
fun foo2(): String {
    return "foo"
fun foo3() {
    throw IllegalArgumentException("some message")
fun foo4(): Foo {
    throw IllegalArgumentException("some message")

Rule id: function-expression-body (standard rule set)

Function literal

Enforces the parameters of a function literal and the arrow to be written on the same line as the opening brace if the maximum line length is not exceeded. In case the parameters are wrapped to multiple lines then this is respected.

If the function literal contains multiple parameter and at least one parameter other than the first parameter starts on a new line than all parameters and the arrow are wrapped to separate lines.

        val foobar1 = { foo + bar }
        val foobar2 =
                foo + bar
        val foobar3 =
            { foo: Foo ->
        val foobar4 =
            { foo: Foo, bar: Bar ->
                foo + bar
        val foobar5 = { foo: Foo, bar: Bar -> foo + bar }
        val foobar6 =
                    foo: Foo,
                    bar: Bar
                foo + bar

// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
val foobar7 =
    barrrrrrrrrrrrrr {
            fooooooooooooooo: Foo
val foobar3 =
        foo: Foo ->
val foobar6 =
    { foo: Foo,
      bar: Bar ->
        foo + bar
// Assume that the last allowed character is
// at the X character on the right           X
val foobar7 =
    barrrrrrrrrrrrrr { fooooooooooooooo: Foo ->

Rule id: function-literal (standard rule set)


This rule is only run when ktlint_code_style is set to ktlint_official or when the rule is enabled explicitly.

Function type modifier spacing

Enforce a single whitespace between the modifier list and the function type.

val foo: suspend () -> Unit = {}
suspend fun bar(baz: suspend () -> Unit) = baz()
val foo: suspend() -> Unit = {}
suspend fun bar(baz: suspend   () -> Unit) = baz()

Rule id: function-type-modifier-spacing (standard rule set)